Sheer Elegance Skin Clinic Reactive.png

What is reactive skin?

Having what is commonly known as ‘sensitive skin’ is not normal nor a condition that has to be lived with. ‘Sensitive skin’ is actually a symptom of skin that is in a reactive state with impaired barrier function and though it can take time, it is possible to revise with a comprehensive DMK treatment and Home Prescriptive regime.

Researchers believe that reactive skin conditions, such as rosacea and eczema can be hereditary. They can also be caused by environmental factors such as pollution and not just smog, but think in terms of ‘sick building syndrome’, chemicals encountered in the workplace such as fumes from a new carpet, new furniture etc.

Then there are internal triggers, mainly stress which elevates the body’s cortisol levels and over a prolonged period of time this suppresses the immune system, causing inflammatory conditions to occur. This is not just mental stress, there is also physical stress. Fatigue, systemic dehydration or malnutrition, or literal metabolic exhaustion or overexertion from extended travel, rigorous activity or athletic training, or recovery from illness release of pro-inflammatory stress hormones and chemicals.
A weakened skin’s barrier defence systems (the lymphatic drainage and circulatory systems, immune responses, Langerhans and keratinocyte cells) consequently result in reactive skin conditions.

Our aim her at Sheer Elegance is to go beyond calming the condition and focuses on bringing the skin’s function back to homeostasis, so we can rebuild a healthy and strong skin. 

Skin is not as fragile or sensitive as we are led to believe. It is a strong organ designed to protect us and it has the amazing ability to regenerate itself. We are determined to restore our clients confidence by taking back control of their skin by revising it to be active rather than reactive.


Enzyme Therapy
Skin Needling